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Bump hook recipes

Cargo library projects

A recipe for Cargo projects with a git-ignored Cargo.lock file, aka library projects.


  • cargo-edit


pre_bump_hooks = [
  "cargo build --release",          # verify the project builds
  "cargo set-version {{version}}",  # bump version in Cargo.toml
post_bump_hooks = [
  "git push",
  "git push {{version}}",

Cargo executable projects

A recipe for Cargo projects with a managed Cargo.lock file, aka executable projects. Notably, the version bump is also included in the lockfile by running cargo check and then staging the change before creating the bump commit.


  • cargo-edit


pre_bump_hooks = [
  "cargo build --release",          # verify the project builds
  "cargo set-version {{version}}",  # bump version in Cargo.toml
  "cargo check --release",
  "git add :/Cargo.lock",           # stage version bump in Cargo.lock
post_bump_hooks = [
  "git push",
  "git push {{version}}",

Java Maven projects

A recipe for Java Maven projects. Notably, the version bump is also included in the pom.xml project manifest by running mvn versions:set and then staging the change before creating the bump commit.

You can also run mvn deploy if this phase is configured in your pom.xml.


pre_bump_hooks = [
  "mvn versions:set -DnewVersion={{version}}",
  "mvn clean package",

post_bump_hooks = [
  "mvn deploy", # Optional
  "git push origin {{version}}",
  "git push"