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Automatic versioning for monorepo

Managing versions for mono-repository is slightly different from the standard Cocogitto flow. Instead of the standard bump steps using cog bump --auto on a mono-repository will perform the following actions:

  1. Calculate next version for each package based on commits that changes the package content.
  2. Calculate a global version based on the created package versions and the commit that does not belong to a specific package.
  3. Execute global pre-bump hooks.
  4. Execute per package pre-bump hooks.
  5. Append the changes for each package to {package_path}/
  6. Append global changes and a list of package version to /
  7. Create a version commit containing changes made during the previous steps.
  8. Create global git tag on the version commit.
  9. Create a tag for each new package version on the version commit.
  10. Execute per package post-bump hooks.
  11. Execute global post-bump hooks.

Mono-repository bump

When using cog bump in a mono-repository context, it behaves slightly differently.

  • cog bump --auto: creates a tag per changed packages since their respective latest releases and creates a global mono-repository tag.

  • cog bump used why manual bump flags such as --minor, --major, --patch or --version will only create the monorepo version without bumping packages.

  • cog bump --package=my_package --auto creates a single package tag from the latest package tag


We strongly advise to use automatic bump whenever possible. Manual bump should only be used when there are changes that Cocogitto is not able to detect (ex: a breaking change occurring in a package via updating a global dependency).

Packages configuration

To set up mono-repository support you only need to define a list of package in your cog.toml config. Once packages are defined, cog will automatically scan your packages during automatic version bump.


A real life example from oknozor/gill.

gill-app = { path = "crates/gill-app" }
gill-authorize-derive = { path = "crates/gill-authorize-derive", public_api = false }
gill-db = { path = "crates/gill-db", public_api = false }
gill-git = { path = "crates/gill-git", public_api = false }
gill-git-server = { path = "crates/gill-git-server" }
gill-markdown = { path = "crates/gill-markdown", public_api = false }
gill-settings = { path = "crates/gill-settings" }
gill-syntax = { path = "crates/gill-syntax" }
gill-web-markdown = { path = "crates/gill-web-markdown" }
syntect-plugin = { path = "crates/syntect-plugin", public_api = false }


If some of your packages does not belong to your project public API use public_api = false to prevent --auto bump from updating the global project version.

Packages hooks

When creating a monorepo version Cocogitto will execute the pre-bump and post-bump hooks normally. Additionally, it will run pre_package_bump_hooks and post_package_bump_hooks before and after each package bump. To override these you can define per package hooks.


## Pre hooks executed before each package bump, here we use a cargo command to bump rust package manifest
pre_package_bump_hooks = [
    "echo 'upgrading {{package}}' to {{version}}",
    "cargo set-version {{version}}"

rust-package-one = { path = "packages/rust-one" }
rust-package-two = { path = "packages/rust-two" }
## We have a java project in the mono-repository so we override the default pre-hook
java-package = { path = "packages/java-package", pre_bump_hooks = [ "mvn build" ] }


Note that for package hooks, you can use the package variable from version DSL to get the current package name.